Under the guidance of the Holy Family and the Holy Spirit, the first Shelter of the Holy Family in Austria is developing.
What is the Shelter of the Holy Family?
The Shelter of the Holy Family is a place where individuals, couples, and families can encounter
the three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
to be inflamed by them in Christ’s love.
It is a place to listen to God, to entrust one’s life completely into God’s hands
and to say the personal „Fiat„(„Yes„) to God’s will.
It is a place to consecrate oneself completely to the Holy Family
and then to bring Christ to the world as Apostles of the Holy Family.
The Mission
Starting From this shelter, consecrated families are called to make their homes shelters of the Holy Family, where above all God is adored and loved.
In this way, from family to family, from house to house, the Holy Family is being reborn in the hearts of people all over the world.
Every consecrated family is called to be apostolic and to show other families the miraculous way of consecration to Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
The Network of the Holy Family
These consecrated family homes all become new shelters of the Holy Family, because each family forms a home of the Holy Family. Each of these shelters is a living source of true Christian life where other people can encounter the Holy Family. Thus, throughout the world, homes and families are placed under the protection of the Holy Family, so that Christ truly lives and reigns in the lives of families as the King of Mercy.
Under the protection of Mary and Joseph, these families will be taken by the Spirit of Christ everywhere and will become, through their daily lives, fearless, uncompromising, joyful witnesses of Christ. These families, through the total dimension of giving themselves to God and to one another, are living reminders and vigils for all humanity of the new covenant God has made with us through Christ. These holy, apostolic families, which will form a Holy Family network throughout the earth in the last times, are images of the original Truth about marriage as given by God.
„God Himself is the Creator of Marriage“
(GS 48, 1)
Through the marriage covenant, husband and wife are not only bound to each other, but above all, they are bound together to God. The consecration and daily life in unity with the Holy Family leads the individual family members to constantly worship God in everyday life and offer Him honor and thanksgiving.
„He reveals the original truth of marriage, the truth of the „beginning,“[27] and, freeing man from his hardness of heart, He makes man capable of realizing this truth in its entirety.“
(Hl. Johannes Paul II., Familiaris consortio , Nr. 13.)
No power, No false doctrine, No man will be able to confuse these apostolic families, since through their Consecration to the Holy Family they are completely bound to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and inflamed with love for Christ. Each such consecrated family, through its marriage covenant, not only gives itself completely to one another, but above all gives itself together to God. Thus, these families are living homes of the Holy Family.
„The decisive battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Do not be afraid, she added, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. … however, Our Lady has already crushed his head.“
(Sr. Lucia, Visionary from Fatima)
Under the protection of the Holy Family, we need not to fear the intrigues of the evil one and the world, because where the Holy Family is, the enemy cannot go. So it is up to us to allow the Holy Family enter into our family and home and live in its pure Spirit.
If we let them in, then our family and home will become such a Shelter of the Holy Family,
where Christ truly lives and God’s will is done.