What is the Apostolate of the Holy Family?

The Apostolate of the Holy Family is devoted to the sanctification of the family.
Our lay apostolate proclaims and teaches the original meaning of marriage:
Marriage is Vocation and Path to Holiness
How does the Apostolate of the Holy Family implement this?
The mission of the Apostolate of the Holy Family is to help families live their lives fully in God under the reign of Christ, the protection of Mary and the intercession of St. Joseph. At a time where the natural bond of marriage between man and woman is being massively destroyed and undermined by anti-Christian currents, the Apostolate of the Holy Family provides ways and means to live family life in the state of Grace for the Glory of God. It wants to invite the individual members of the family to say united with Mother Mary their personal „FIAT„(„yes“) to God in all situations, so that each member of the family becomes a true Temple of the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Family lives in the midst of ones own family.

Thus, the original vocation of marriage for the Glory of God is recognized and lived anew.
The Spirit of Christ can now fully animate father, mother and children so that all can speak unitedly:
„It is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us“.

The Apostolate of the Holy Family also helps all those who feel the calling for marriage and family, but are disturbed by the spirit of this world and therefore do not have clarity on how to fulfill this vocation in Holiness.